40 Minute Scrap Quilt with Valerie Nesbitt

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40 Minute Scrap Quilt with Valerie Nesbitt

The 40 Minute Scrap Quilt was such fun and made a real dent in my stash. Or you can use jelly rolls.


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Have fun and make a scrap quilt in 40 minutes. Here’s how:

Raid your scrap stash. This can be colour sorted or just anything that goes together. Then cut it all into 2 ½” wide strips, any length will do.

Valerie used cotton fabrics, but anything would do, just remember that different fabrics behave differently against each other.

Join them together in one long piece with a 45 degree angle join. It looks prettier, however, if you have a couple or three short pieces of the same fabric these could be joined with the usual straight seam.

Join sufficient pieces together to make the quilt you want. You will be ending up with approx 2″ wide strips across your quilt x 40 inches maybe.

You can also use jelly rolls. Load up your sewing machine with thread and get a couple of bobbins prepared. Good idea is to settle down with your favourite music and enjoy.

P.S. do send us pictures of what you made!

Learn how to calculate the length of the strips needed for the quilt size you want to create here: How long are my strips for the 40 minute quilt?

One of the many comments made on Youtube:

“Love this so much. I have made my first quilt top yesterday and it took me 4 days. I’m trying this next to be done faster and to make more quicker and my moms birthday is a few days away.”

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